2016University of Žilina
Beginning of Information Technology studies at the UniversitySep 2017Norway
My first independent trip everJul 2017iOS Trainee
Decided to be a iOS developerAug 2018Prague
Moved to PragueNov 2018Iceland
My first dream come trueDec 2018Travel goals
I took the challenge to go through 12 different countries in a yearJan 2019Edinburgh
Feb 2019 Barcelo na
Mar 2019Berlin
Apr 2019iOS Developer
I became an iOS developerApr 2019Malta Austria
May 2019Amsterd am
Aug 2019Lofotens Sweden Denmark
21 days on the road and second dream come trueSep 2019Bali
Join @thefreadom complex's workshop in Bali, life changing experience

Marek Hajducak
iOS developer, traveller and photographer. Everything started in 2017 when I decided to buy the first camera for my first trip to Norway. I had no intention to become a photographer; I just wanted to take good pictures in Norway and come back home with incredible memories. As time was passing by, my passion for photography was growing stronger and I promised myself that one day I would come back to Norway. The next summer I moved to Prague and started to work there as a junior iOS developer. I was saving money and in November I went on an adventure and decided to fulfill my biggest dream - to visit Iceland. After the Iceland trip, I took up the challenge and visited 12 different countries during one year. I told myself: “I wanna travel. Why not do it on a large scale? In January, I was discovering the beauty of Scotland, especially its capital Edinburgh. After that, I got fired from my job in Prague. I moved back to Cherryland and I found a full-time job in Zilina, where I was also studying. I had the opportunity to work for a British company remotely. After that, I did some short trips to Barcelona, Berlin, Malta and Austria. Then I went, for the first time alone, on a trip to Amsterdam. Besides my full-time job, part-time job and travelling, of course, there wasn't much time for my studies left. But I am currently in my third year of uni and I hope I will finish it successfully.This summer I made another dream come true and I have visited Norway. I have been travelling from south to north to Lofotens in 3 weeks by car and got back through Sweden and Denmark. Later this year I have visited my first destination beyond Europe. Bali has been an unforgettable experience. At the moment I work as an iOS developer in Zilina, I'm also studying and as you know, I have started a travel blog and I am trying to fulfill my dream - to become a full-time traveller.
We know what we are, but not what we may be.
How to get inspired?
The most important lesson or the thing that I think I would encourage, would be just focusing on your own work, really knowing what you want to do, what is the kind of area that you really love doing and become master at it. The world just offers really great tools and keys to open some new doors and unlock the ones that your’re been kind of trying to get open. Just don’t hesitate and go for it every single day.
I think the best way to get inspired and excited about life would be just to go out be courageous and explore. That’s how you find out what do you love and that’s what you should hold on to.

We shouldn’t ask what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive. Because what the world needs most, is more people who come alive.